The Role of Consumers in Holding Refineries Responsible
The Role of Victims of Environmental Injustice
There are a few ways in which victims of environmental crimes may hold corporations responsible for their injustices. Social activism can in some cases be effective, such as in the case in Ogoniland mentioned above. Another way is through civil lawsuits. Professor of Law at the University of Delhi Santosh Kumar explains that “in several countries lawsuits have been introduced with a view to holding private corporations accountable for human rights violations in developing countries” (120). On a much larger scale, within the United Nations, according to Kumar, “several attempts have been made to hold such corporations accountable. In the past, such attempts had focused almost exclusively on the activities of transnational corporations (TNCs) and had been overshadowed by differences between developed and developing nations over sovereignty and natural resources” (120). Consumers and victims should continue to increase international pressure on transnational refining corporations in order to bring them to justice for environmental crimes.
Works Cited
- Kumar, Santosh. “Corporate Social Responsibility (Triple Bottom line); A Technology serves the company and Society.” International Journal of Recent Research Aspects 4.3 (2017): 188-125. Web. 28 Nov. 2017.