Performing Archive

Public Domain and Indigenous Peoples' Rights: Bibliography

Amy Borsuk, Scripps College


Cornell University Law School. “17 USC § 102 - Subject matter of copyright: In general”, accessed August 19, 2013.

Deidre Brown and George Nicholas. “Protecting Indigenous Cultural Property in the Age of Digital Democracy: Institutional and Communal Responses to Canadian First Nations and Maori Heritage Concerns”, Journal of Material Culture 17 (2012): 307-324, accessed July 16, 2013, DOI: 10.1177/1359183512454065.

Native Appropriations. “Urban Outfitters is Obsessed With Navajos,” accessed July 2, 2013,
US Department of Interior, “The Indian Arts and Crafts Act 1990,” accessed July 6, 2013,

Netburn, Deborah. “Navajo Nation Takes on Urban Outfitters and Wins,” Los Angeles Times, October 19, 2011, accessed July 6, 2013,

Seadle, Michael. “Whose Rules? Intellectual Property, Culture, and Indigenous Communities,” D-Lib Magazine (2002), accessed July 3, 2013,

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). “Understanding Intellectual Property”, accessed July 15, 2013.

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