Meal Plans at CWRU

The Meal Plan

The meal plan at CWRU changes from year to year as current prices fluctuate for local produce and employment. Bon Appetit and CWRU offer a variety of meal plans for each class, some being required. Plans also vary in price depending on the type of meal that one is paying for, the amount of meals per week, and the amount of Case Cash that comes with the plan. The meal plan is included in the Room and Board payment in Case's MyHousing. Each student that is apart of a meal plan will use there Case ID at a dining location on campus. The amount of meal swipes that come with the plan that was purchased are loaded onto the given student's ID. Because the meal plan operates on a weekly basis, each Sunday the amount of meal swipes returns to the original weekly amount. The unused swipes for the week are not refunded nor do they carry over. Case Cash is also used by using one's Case ID. Case Cash is different than the meal swipes in that it is cash that can be used at given locations on campus and it is not refunded weekly. Case Cash will not refill until another meal plan is purchased at the end of the semester. This chapter will take a look at the types of meal plans offered and will lead into the current pricing issue of the meal plans.

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