Meal Plans at CWRU

First Year Students

This is the current meal plan offered at CWRU for first year students. Case requires its first year students to be on a meal plan. There is a lack of information on why the meal plan is required and any sources that did address this fact seemed to dance around the reasoning. As one can see there is 4 options for the first year students to choose from. The prices per meal swipe come out to be (assuming 18 weeks per semester) :
  1. Unlimited (@ 21 meals/week): $8.61
  2. 17 meals/week: $10.09
  3. 19 meals/week: $9.08
  4. 14 meals/week (Halal/Kosher): $12.69
The prices are not exact as there is not exactly 18 weeks of school during a semester but very close to it. All meal plans also include an given amount of "Portable Meal Swipes". These are meal swipes that can be used at unique locations on campus and are reloaded on a weekly basis similarly to normal meal swipes. However, only one portable wipe may be used each day.

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