Mark Twain in German-Language Newspapers and Periodicals

Buch-Colporteure | 24 May 1877

Virginia Staats-Gazette. [volume] (Richmond, Va.), 24 May 1877. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. <>
TranscriptionEnglish Translation
Buch-ColporteureBook Agents
Seht hierher! Nur $1.50 Kapital verlangt um zu verkaufen Mark Twain's neues Scrap-Book. Näheres mit Postmarke bei John K. Hallowell,Look here. Only $1.50 in capital required to sell Mark Twain's new Scrap Book. More details with postage stamp at John K. Hallowell's,
139 Ost Achte Str.,139 East 8th St,
4W9mai] New York4W9mai] New York

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