Mark Twain in German-Language Newspapers and Periodicals

Association of American Physicians

Association of American Physicians, Berlin [Association amerikanischer Ärzte]. — “Americans in Berlin also had their own medical organization. An Association of American Physicians was founded in the city in 1891 under the leadership of the American dentist Willoughby Dayton Miller, who by this time was in charge of dental teaching at the University of Berlin. Also instrumental in establishing the new association were Dr. Fred Weber of Milwaukee and Dr. Judson Daland of Philadelphia. Weekly meetings were held in the Dental Institute to hear lectures on medical topics. This organization lasted two years but there is no record of further meetings or activities after 1893. It was followed by the more successful Anglo-American Medical Association of Berlin, which was organized in 1903 and flourished until the First World War.” | Source: Thomas Neville Bonner. American Doctors and German Universities: A Chapter In International Intellectual Relations, 1870-1914. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1963: 85.

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