Mother Earth and Resource Extraction: Women Defending Land and Water

Practical Guides for the Defense of Land and Water in Canada

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Please note that link descriptions are taken from their original source.

A Fractivist’s Toolkit | The Council of Canadians

The purpose of this toolkit is to help people and communities fight fracking, protect water and public health, and curb climate change. It was inspired in response to the inquiries the Council of Canadians receives from people who have just heard that fracking is happening in their community and don’t know what to do about it.

Community Tools and Resources | Yellowhead Institute
Yellowhead is committed to supporting First Nations ability to organize and mobilize to protect their rights. As such, we will be releasing tools and resources related to the topics and issues in Land Back over the coming weeks. These include factsheets, short explanatory documents, infographics and more.

DataStream is open access and built with communities, policy-makers and researchers in mind. Our mission is to promote knowledge sharing and advance collaborative water stewardship.
Direct-to-Digital Mapping Methodology: A Hands-on Guidebook for Applying Google Earth | Steven DeRoy for The Firelight Group (2006)
This guide will assist you to map points, lines and areas using Google Earth software.

IBA Community Toolkit (2015) | Ginger Gibson and Ciaran O’Faircheallaigh
The IBA Community Toolkit is a free resource for First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities in Canada considering impact and benefit agreements, specifically those with mining companies. While the Toolkit focuses primarily on the mining industry, many of the issues and processes addressed in the Toolkit are relevant to the making of agreements in other industry sectors and contexts, including protected areas, oil and gas, hydro and forestry.

Online Research on Canadian and US Corporations: An Activist Guide | Mining Justice Action Committee
Read this activist guide for tips and sources for doing online corporate research.

Protecting Your Community Against Mining Companies and Other Extractive Industries: A Guide for Community Organizers (2009) | Carlos Zorrilla
This guide describes aspects of the mining process, the dangers you and your community face when mining companies seek to operate in your community, and the many ways you can fight back. It is intended for use by regional/national leaders who can work with local community leaders to plan local actions, and who can also do work at the govern-mental, national, and international levels.


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