Thomas Hardy's Wessex map drawing of Tess's Country
12015-12-19T20:56:31-08:00Erica Y. Hayes3f35a1fa1745d530e0a3ef5bcdf163a79f5e850072963Thomas Hardy's Wessex map drawing of Tess's Countryplain2015-12-19T21:38:09-08:00Erica Y. Hayes3f35a1fa1745d530e0a3ef5bcdf163a79f5e8500
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1344f14.png2015-12-09T16:07:22-08:00Map versions of Wessex19plain2016-06-22T19:25:41-07:00
The following map was taken from Silvia García Bencomo's "Tess on the Road: Ways and Paths as Spatial Elements in the Plot of Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles." In her article, she concludes Hardy employs the landscape, its roads and paths, to represent the various circular phases of Tess's life. Told within a circular narrative structure, García Bencomo argues Tess is trapped within the conventions of her social environment and cannot escape her tragic fate.