This tag was created by Curtis Fletcher.  The last update was by Sarah Tribelhorn.

Sarah Tribelhorn Portfolio

Program Goal D

It is necessary for information professionals to develop collections, manage content, and provide services for communities based on their needs. Therefore, it is crucial to fully understand the needs of communities through detailed community analyses, and be able to effectively negotiate with vendors to ensure these needs can be met through relevant collections. Collection development and management is fundamental in Library and Information Science (LIS) and has been emphasized in several of my courses during the Master of Management in Information and Library Science (MMLIS) Program. During the program, I demonstrated knowledge on how to effectively develop and manage content, while defining my target community as demonstrated during my internship at the Oral History Center, Bancroft Library, University of California Berkeley (OHC, UC Berkeley), the development of a lesson plan, and the development of a marketing plan.

Oral History Center OHMS Spreadsheet 

During my internship at OHC, UC Berkeley for LIM 595: Internship in Library and Information Management, I was tasked with creating metadata for oral histories. To do this effectively, I needed a thorough understanding of the community, which was achieved through extensive research into the oral history collection held at the OHC, UC Berkeley.  To develop and manage content, I listened to the audios of the oral history, and effectively divided these into different segments based on content, and provided a title and keywords for them. To ensure that this was organized effectively for entering into the Oral History Metadata Synchronizer (OHMS) site, the data was captured in a spreadsheet. This ensured that the data and content was relatively easy to manage and was developed based on relevant guidelines for the end users.

Lesson Plan 

For LIM 511: Instruction Strategies for Information Professionals, I developed a lesson plan to teach different methods of including sustainability in daily living. Drawing from my own personal experiences and knowledge, as well as a passion for the subject, I created a lesson plan to gain interest in sustainability efforts, drawing on the principles of Wiggins and McTighe (2007) and Klipfel and Cook (2017) of learner-centered pedagogy. For this process, it was necessary to understand my target audience, and then strategize and create an outline to effectively communicate my information to this audience while inspiring them to be active learners. I created activities and worksheets that can be revised and applied to information literacy instruction as a professional information literacy instructor.

Geocaching Marketing Plan 

For GSBA 509: Marketing Management, together with my team, we developed a comprehensive marketing plan to effectively market a new program, a geocaching service, in an academic library based on carefully laid out steps by Gupta (2019). During this process, I not only acquired valuable leadership experience in managing the team, but also in developing and managing relevant content that could be implemented to successfully market the program. This marketing plan involved analyzing the community through target market and SWOT analyses to determine the competition and promotional tactics. In addition, a control phase was determined to evaluate and improve the service.


It is necessary for information professionals to develop tailored collections, manage content, and provide services for communities based on their needs, requiring a thorough understanding of the communities and how to provide for them. Throughout the MMLIS Program, I have had opportunities to develop and manage content based on the needs of both vendors and the community, as highlighted with the development of an OHMS spreadsheet, lesson plan, and marketing plan. Through these assignments I was able carefully analyze community needs, develop and manage content, and provide evidence needed to effectively negotiate with vendors. I developed content based on community needs after a thorough analysis, and in the case of the marketing plan this could be used to effectively negotiate for the success of this program. Furthermore, these assignments have provided me with a firm foundation to further develop my skills in developing and managing content based on user needs, as well as negotiating with vendors and licensors in the future.


Gupta, S. (2019). Segmentation and targeting. Harvard Business Publishing.

Klipfel, K. M., & Cook, D. B. (2017). Learner-centered pedagogy: Principles and practice (1st ed.). ALA.

Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by design (Expanded 2nd ed.). Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD).

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