Teaching & Learning in the 21st Century

Recommendation 5

Recommendation 5: Design and deliver learner-driven professional learning opportunities for school leaders, teachers, students, parents, board members and community and business leaders. Professional learning opportunities must reflect and model the type of interactions and tasks that are needed to prepare students for today’s digital world. For many of today’s educators, the type of instructional paradigm shift promoted in these recommendations will require a steep learning curve in understanding why it is important and how to implement it.  Professional learning must focus on creating safe and productive spaces for teachers to begin planning and experimenting with the concepts that have been shared. Too often, professional development experiences center on giving strategies to teachers rather than coaching them on how to deliver the strategies to students. As a result, teachers leave the session with a toolbox of ideas that are rarely implemented. Instead, more personalized professional learning time should be spent on helping teachers plan, develop materials, and practice delivering the strategies with support. Through modeling such instructional practices in professional learning opportunities, it is one important method of building capacity District-wide.

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