(I)PFW WOST @ 50: Herstory in Progress: The Fiftieth Anniversary of Women’s Studies at (I)PFW

Test timeline page

Since its inception in 1971, the Women's Studies Program in Fort Wayne has focused on education in both the academic as well as the public sphere.  This timeline includes developments in the Fort Wayne Feminist community beginning that year, as well as the evolution of the Women's Studies program of course offerings and special events at Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne, later Purdue University Fort Wayne. 

Scroll over the tabs to learn more about the events that have made the Fort Wayne Women's Studies community what it is today.

All images included here acquired from the (I)PFW Women's Studies archive.

A very special thank you to Harriet Miller, Monica Wehrle, and Susan Burns from Harmony Associates, Inc. for all their hard work in compiling additional information used in this timeline. 

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