In delph Philosophy: Study Philosophy Simply

Object of philosophy

The object of research is a phenomenon of the reality of interest to this science, through which it determines its goals, directions, objects, and so on; or is it the scope of a scientific search application.

The main objects of philosophy, as in an extensive science, are several, and all of them are just as vast. But the latter does not mean that a proper detailed analysis is not being carried out by philosophy, or, more precisely, detailed research.

Objects of knowledge of philosophy are "three whales": first, a person, and more broadly any reasonable being and its structure, and secondly, the surrounding world, including the world of ideas and other worlds - explicit, hypothetically possible and probable, in third, the relationship of the rational being to himself, the world and other sentient beings.

It is important not only an objective environment and as many objective factors as, for example, the body but also the subjectivization of knowledge about this objective mind. Thus, concerning a rational being, in this case, a person, there are no completely objective circumstances and there is always a subjective attitude towards the latter.

The connection between mind and environment is embodied in the third object of philosophy - the relation of reason to this environment. Human decisions affect not only the surrounding reality and the person himself as an internal inspector, but also indirectly as a change in environmental conditions, even in the long run. The last factor is aggravated by the duration of the activity of the human mind. Yes, often this period is much less than the life of the body and is in the majority of several years to a couple of decades. Because of such a limited period of activity, the first object of philosophy (the mind) significantly changes its relation to the second (environment). The above particular example illustrates how an object forms philosophy from its object, in this case, for example, subjects of ethics.

From the objects, problems and questions are formed. The scientific problem is already on the surface of the third object - the relation of mind to the environment, but this is the topic of a separate article.