Functions of philosophy
The function of science is the sphere of activity, where interest is displayed and scientific action is carried out (exploration); or a set of tasks and goals, depending on the changing conditions and values.
- The ideological function of philosophy is the definition of the exploratory and applied orientations of man in particular and of mankind in general by exploring the world outlook. That is, it is a set of criteria for assessing the perception of the world by man and culture, created by him as a community (socium);
- The epistemological function of philosophy is a scientifically correct interpretation of the surrounding reality and its authentic knowledge. It is responsible for the definition of scientific, extra-scientific and non-existent, that is, it carries out an expert assessment of knowledge;
- The methodological function controls the development and verification of the ways in which philosophy achieves its goals and research. She develops the methods and approaches used in the philosophical study, as well as evaluates and approbates them;
- Information-communicative - this function controls the transmission and content of the transmitted data between any agents involved in its processes. That is, it spreads knowledge between different disciplines both inside and outside of philosophy, supporting cooperation between other sciences and their disciplines;
- The value-orientation function is specific and adjacent for a number of disciplines, among them axiology, ethics and aesthetics, and performs the role of evaluation activity on various criteria of a wide range of phenomena, including the creation or elimination of value itself. If it is easier, then it is responsible for the definition, justification and dissemination of other values except for knowledge, which by default is the goal and value of any science. For example, aesthetic values such as the concept of "beautiful" is unattainable for understanding or substantiating certain sciences such as chemistry or physics. In the last example, without the participation of philosophy, the study of culture will be formal and poor;
- A critical function evaluates the phenomenon or process and compares it with the philosophy's opinion, that is, as the name implies - criticizes, draws conclusions and gives a conclusion. The expert evaluation of philosophy is broader than in other sciences and is guided by various criteria, which for some other disciplines do not make sense;
- The integrating function is that philosophy accumulates, compiles and accumulates knowledge, including them in its concepts, that is, integrates. In cooperation with other functions described above, it disseminates knowledge, hypotheses and theories in the scientific community;
- The ideological function deals with the study, classification and evaluation of the systems of views and opinions of various social groups. That is, this function of philosophy explores ideology. It is easy to understand that it is closely related to social disciplines, for example, sociology;
- Prognostic is a function of philosophy that provides predictions based on known data. Models and forecasts made with this function wider and better integrate into both culture and scientific knowledge than other theoretical constructs;
- The design function of philosophy is responsible for the creation of ideas, systems of ideas and images. It is very similar to the previous one, in fact they act as a couple, interacting in the process of theoretical forecasting, design and modeling;
- The educational function aims to influence the formation of the views of the individual and his groups. One of the most ancient functions has become apparent since the very emergence of philosophizing, which originally presupposed instruction to the meaningful and understood. Thus in ancient times scientific knowledge spread for understandable reasons (limited number of speakers, absence or closure of educational institutions, and others).
- The functions of philosophy come from its disciplines and are closely related to the objects and objects of each particular direction, but at the same time have their unique specifics. Considering them, it is necessary to take into account the above.