In delph Philosophy: Study Philosophy SimplyMain MenuWhat is Philosophy?Philosophy can be briefly described as a system of scientific knowledge that has been formed for more than two thousand years with its terminological apparatus, objects and objects of research, as well as methods and approaches of research.The subject of philosophyThe subject of research is the properties of the object of reality most interesting to this science; or a certain aspect (sign) of the object and its manifestations.Object of philosophyThe object of research is a phenomenon of the reality of interest to this science, through which it determines its goals, directions, objects, and so on.History of PhilosophyIf there is such a need to make an education program, so to speak, "a gallop across Europe".Fundamentals of philosophyInitially considering all areas of reality research and having generated specific sciences, including physics, geometry, chemistry and others, philosophy concentrated on its specific areas of research.Functions of philosophyThe function of science is the sphere of activity, where interest is displayed and scientific action is carried out (exploration).Altruism in modern philosophyAltruism is a phenomenon that has existed since ancient times. There have always been people for whom the happiness of a neighbor is more important than his own.Analogy method in scientific researchAn analogy is a method that uses an analog (that is, an ideal or material object that adequately reflects the process or object being studied).Nirvana as Buddism philosophyThe term "nirvana" became synonymous with some blissfully relaxed state, and in the sixties, everything in the same distorted understanding entered the lexicon of drug addicts.Sublime in classical aestheticsThe sublime is one of the main (along with the beautiful, tragic, comic) categories of aesthetics, reflecting the totality of natural, social and artistic phenomena.Philosophy of pragmatismPragmatism is one of the influential philosophical trends of the 20th century, especially in its homeland - in the United States of America.Division by Zero in philosophyWe all studied at school, we all studied mathematics, physics and other subjects. We grew up; we had some personal preferences in our further development.NihilismNihilism (from Latin nihil - nothing) is a doctrine whose central postulate is the complete rejection of traditions, norms, rules, social principles, authorities.Philosophical concept of freedomSince the time of the French Revolution, freedom has been regarded as the greatest value of culture.Philosophy of the absurdThe sense of absurdity, according to Camus, comes either suddenly and immediately, or human life for a long period is a gradual and constant immersion in the depths of the absurd; but, in any case, all further life changes, it is impossible to forget about its absurdity.Substance in philosophyIn the history of philosophy, the extremely broad category - "substance" (from Latin substantia - essence, what lies at the basis) is used to designate such a fundamental principle, which does not need for its existence in anything other than itself.Hor Victorsson8e85f89ca262c806d6e6495e0b6fc8388cfb3bc1Simply Philosophy
Cynicism in philosophy
12018-01-06T01:55:01-08:00Hor Victorsson8e85f89ca262c806d6e6495e0b6fc8388cfb3bc1278691The founder of cynicism is the disciple of Socrates Antisthenes, and his bright representative is Diogenes Sinopski (he himself called himself the Diogenes-Dog).plain2018-01-06T01:55:03-08:00Hor Victorsson8e85f89ca262c806d6e6495e0b6fc8388cfb3bc1