History of the Soda FountainMain MenuTimelineImportant Dates in Soda Fountain History.Birth of the Soda FountainInventors and PatentsBackground Information on the Men Who Were Pioneers in the Soda Fountain Business and Patents for Soda FountainsOperating a Soda FountainOperation of the Massive Marble Soda FountainSoda Fountain Recipes and IngredientsVintage Recipes from the early 19th CenturyPrice ListPrice Lists From Two of Mathews Catalogs for Soda Fountains, Parts and SundriesCompanies That Produced Product for Soda FountainsThese Are a Few Companies Who Produced Their product Through Soda FountainsPhoto GalleryCollection of Early Soda Fountains Pre 1920CreditsStephanie Armijodd4552661fff862d52e5ea883c56cfd08aa60136
Media Gallery
12016-12-01T15:54:11-08:00Stephanie Armijodd4552661fff862d52e5ea883c56cfd08aa60136114511Gallery Featuring Soda Fountains, Soda Fountain Bars, and Accessories from the 1800s through the 1900sgallery2016-12-01T15:54:11-08:00Stephanie Armijodd4552661fff862d52e5ea883c56cfd08aa60136
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12016-10-24T12:23:30-07:00Stephanie Armijodd4552661fff862d52e5ea883c56cfd08aa60136Photo GalleryStephanie Armijo10Collection of Early Soda Fountains Pre 1920plain2016-12-01T15:56:02-08:00Stephanie Armijodd4552661fff862d52e5ea883c56cfd08aa60136
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12016-12-01T15:20:22-08:00Mammoth Soda Fountain1Mammoth Soda Fountain at the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exposition.media/Mammoth Soda Fountain at the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exposition..jpgplain2016-12-01T15:20:22-08:00
12016-10-12T22:33:07-07:00Marble Soda Fountain1J.W. Tufts large marble soda fountainmedia/3b3a577cd0a589799c147b69c538805f.jpgplain2016-10-12T22:33:07-07:00
12016-12-01T15:23:00-08:00Hall's Pharmacy1Hall's Pharmacy Fourth and Chestnut St. Mifflinburg, Pa. 1892media/Hall's Pharmacy Fourth and Chestnut St. Mifflinburg, Pa..jpgplain2016-12-01T15:23:00-08:00
12016-12-01T15:46:48-08:00Marble Soda Fountain11834 Tufts Marble Soda Fountain With Original Glasses That You Would Have Been Served Your Drink Inmedia/Marble Soda Fountain (2).jpgplain2016-12-01T15:46:48-08:00
12016-10-27T08:55:28-07:00Interior of Soda Shop1Interior of Miller and Shoemaker shop 1899media/Interior of Miller and Shoemaker Soda Fountain, 1899.jpgplain2016-10-27T08:55:28-07:00
12016-11-01T07:05:17-07:00Fuscos Soda Bar1Pharmicist standing outside of Fuscos Soda Barmedia/Fuscos Soda Fountain Bar.jpgplain2016-11-01T07:05:17-07:00
12016-11-06T17:08:46-08:00Hess Brothers Department Store1Interior of Hess Brothers Soda Fountain Allentown, PA 1913media/Hess Brothers Soda Fountain Allentown Pa, 1913.jpgplain2016-11-06T17:08:46-08:00
12016-11-16T23:04:50-08:00Jug1Mathews Cork Jug used to store flavorings or soda watermedia/Mathews Cork Jug (2).jpgplain2016-11-16T23:04:50-08:00
12016-11-16T23:57:16-08:00Soda Fountain11893 Silver Soda Fountain located in a New York Storemedia/A Vintage Soda Fountain in New York (2).jpgplain2016-11-16T23:57:16-08:00
12016-12-01T15:14:46-08:00Clarkson & Mitchell Drugstore and Lippincott Soda Water Apparatus1The counter at the Clarkson & Mitchell Drugstore in Springfield, Illinois, circa 1905. Lippincott Soda Water Apparatus. photo courtesy of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum.media/the counter at the Clarkson & Mitchell Drugstore in Springfield, Illinois, circa 1905. Lippincott Soda Water Apparatus. photo courtesy of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum..jpgplain2016-12-01T15:14:46-08:00