Gender Equity in Early Childhood Education


The story of gender equity in early childhood education is complicated and nuanced.  While many countries show equal numbers of boys and girls enrolling in early childhood education, gender equity is more than simply equal numbers.  Early childhood education programs have the opportunity to promote further gender equity by constructing programs that can impact parents' understanding of gender equity and children's gender identity formation.  While parents’ gendered attitudes do not seem to create inequitable access to early childhood education for girls, these attitudes can impact access to education for older girls.  Gendered attitudes, therefore, impact a girls' access to equitable education and prospectives outside of school.  This places ECCE programs at the center of opportunity to promote gender equitable attitudes.  Increased parent involvement and targeted interventions that address the deeply held gendered attitudes of ECE parents, students and teachers could impact gender equity at all ages and lead to fundamental changes in the ways that girls access later education and opportunities.  


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