Models and Examples
The word model can be used
- as a noun, to mean something that demonstrates, predicts, or describes (e.g. supply chains, soil function, etc.)
- In this context, it can be related to planning, if the model is used to identify possibilities and set goals.
- It can be small and specific, or wide in scope.
- A model or plan "can carry varying levels of political clout" (A Guide to Local Food System Planning for Scott County MN).
- as an adjective, to mean "exemplary," or "experimental," as in a "model" farm
Within the tag family "Food Actions and Strategies."
This page is a tag of:
Food and Globalization, Video: World Food Prices Aren’t Too High, They’re Too Low, Food From Here, For Here: Rekindling the Intimacy of Our Food System (metadata), Models and Strategies for a Produce Distribution Plan (PDF), Defining the Agricultural Landscape of the Western Lake Superior Region (metadata), Exploring Maryland’s Agriculture, Food, and Public Health Landscape (metadata), Vacant Land Assessment for Urban Agriculture in North Minneapolis (metadata), Video: Food From Here, For Here: Rekindling the Intimacy of our Food System, Exploring Maryland’s Agriculture, Food, and Public Health Landscape (PDF), Homegrown Minneapolis: Final report presented to the Health, Energy and Environment Committee of the Minneapolis City Council (metadata), World Food Prices Aren’t Too High, They’re Too Low: How Cheap Food is Destabilizing the Global Economy (metadata), New York State Foodshed Analysis, A Science Roadmap for Food and Agriculture (PDF), Building a Sustainable Business Guide (PDF), Defining the Agricultural Landscape of the Western Lake Superior Region (PDF), Financialization, Food Pricing, and Speculation (metadata), Whole Farm Planning (PDF), Vacant Land Assessment for Urban Agriculture in North Minneapolis, Models & Strategies for a Produce Distribution Plan (metadata), Snohomish County Agricultural Sustainability Project (metadata), Video: Financialization, Food Pricing, and Speculation, A Guide to Local Food System Planning for Scott County, Minnesota (PDF) View all tags
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