Feeding a Crowd

Transforming the South

I thought this section was interesting because it talks about the concept of organic farming and how it support black farmers. Organic farming is supposed to be a more suitable system to help African American’s transition from urban agriculture to organic farming. I admired the work that Dr. Owusu Bandele and Cynthia Hayes have put together in forming the SAAFON that works with over one hundred and twenty two farmers in eight states including the Virgin Island. They train and support farmers abroad and then connect black farmers here in the U.S. to other areas in the African Diaspora to exchange knowledge and information, while embracing the culture of food, which I think is really good. Being able to have your network expand outside of the U.S. is a big achievement and goal that many wish they could do, but to bring together and form a network were everyone can learn and support one another is brilliant and there should be more like it today.

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