Feeding a CrowdMain MenuWelcome to our exploration of youth and elders civil rights work in the food movementThis page is our starting place for figuring out how to share food in the formal settings of a course or community event2018 Draft Recipes PageHere is where we're collecting draft recipes for ESTD 3330 spring 2018ReadingsCalendar of spring 2017 readings beyond The Color of Food:Comfort & Action FoodsWays we think about stress or grief eating, contrasted with action-supportive eatingCalendar home pageVideo Highlights from the Art of Food in Frogtown and Rondo collectionAs presented at Hamline in March 2017Hewitt Avenue HU Garden ProjectOur raised bed school garden at Hamline U CampusNeighbor Plants ProjectRecipes and foraging tips for edible weedsContributor BiographiesFood and Society Workshop0826c60623ca5f5c8c1eb72fc2e97084d0c44cf8
My name is Emma and I am a sophomore at Hamline University. I am in the Environmental Studies program and am concentrating in Social Justice. On campus I work for the Sustainability Office, do some work with MPIRG, and am involved in a student group working towards setting up a food shelf on campus. I am originally from Apple Valley, MN where my family of 6 still lives. I am the middle child of 5, and have two brothers and sisters that I love hanging out with.
My stake in this particular project relates to my passion for environmental justice. I have been interested food justice for about a year, and am specifically interested in looking at how access to certain foods affects other aspects of our everyday lives. Why are healthy, eco friendly grocery store placed where they are? What does this mean members of those communities? Who has access and opportunity to grow their own food?