F20 Black Atlantic: Resources, Pedagogy, and Scholarship on the 18th Century Black Atlantic

Lesson Plan

Selected readings:
The Black Jacobins: Toussaint L’Ouverture and the San Domingo Revolution by C.L.R. James
Prologue, Chapter I “The Property” and Chapter IV “The San Domingo Masses Begin”
Two proposed lesson plans for looking at factors in the Haitian Revolution:
  1. A short introduction into traditional African religions and their syncretism upon arrival in the Americas. (Touch upon the different nations; where they were brought to the Americasi.e. Brazil, Cuba, Haiti, etc.; (though quite evident), reasons for syncretism. Contemplate the act of syncretism by the slaves with that of the stereotypes perpetuated by their oppressors.
  2. The use of Vodou as a weapon for revolt in the Haitian Revolution. Examine this with other revolts/attempted revolutions by others in the African diaspora.
*By extension, perhaps another lesson, an examination of the language surrounding “Vodou,” “magic,” “witch/witchcraft,” “sorcery,” etc. Removing it from its Christian context. Also, cross-referencing these definitions of the colonizing languages in the context of the Haitian Revolution.

2. An examination of “race” (Negro, Mulatto, white, etc.) in Haitian society during and after the colonial period, and lingering topics of colorism in the Black community. A look at the lasting impressions of these racial designations in subsequent societies outside of Haiti. In particular, New Orleans.


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