Edboost X The Children’s Collective at the Rita Walter’s Center

Students Answers (Community Gradening)


As apart of our curriculum focusing on community development, the students were asked what positive impact do community gardens have on urban areas.

Community Gardening:


Student Grade 7:

  1. Why do you think it is important to have community gardens in an urban area?


some people do not have enough money for food


  1. If you could pant your own community garden what would you plant in it?


A lot of vegetables


Student Grade 4:


  1. Why do you think it is important to have community gardens in an urban area?

I think its important to have community gardens to improve the environment


  1. If you could pant your own community garden what would you plant in it?

I would plant trees and any type of plant that I can plant


Student Grade 3:



  1. Why do you think it is important to have community gardens in an urban area?


For people to get fresh food


  1. If you could pant your own community garden what would you plant in it?          Fruit and mangoes, bananas, and grapes

Student  Grade 5:

  1. Why do you think it is important to have community gardens in an urban area?

For people who can’t pay for food


  1. If you could pant your own community garden what would you plant in it?          

Lettuce and vegetables



Student Grade 4:


  1. Why do you think it is important to have community gardens in an urban area?

So people do not have to pay for food and also so people can have fresh food


  1. If you could pant your own community garden what would you plant in it?          

I will plant pumpkin, tomato, lettuce, carrots, and all the healthy food


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