Edboost X The Children’s Collective at the Rita Walter’s Center


We are Edboost Learning Center,  an after school program dedicated to reducing educational inequality by making high-quality, individualized academic help accessible to all children. We ran  a summer enrichment program with students from the Rita Walters Learning Complex (ages 7-12) at the Children's Collective in South Los Angeles for 8 weeks beginning June 18th 2018. Our program consisted of two components—one being our math and science courses that took place Mondays and Wednesdays and the latter being a series of workshops and projects that took place solely based on social justice, community development and urban planning Tuesdays and Thursdays with a field trip based on what we learned those days in class. This website focuses mainly on the humanities part of our camp. On this site you will find photos of our students projects,field trips, students poetry, and responses to questions about community contribution. We would also like to thank our teachers, Emma, Matt, and Megan for the wonderful work they did with these students. We would also like to thank the students of the Rita Walter's Learning Complex for their excellent participation and enthusiasm!

This is dedicated to the bright and wonderful 22 students who joined our camp this year!
Hooray Class of 2018!!!

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