Edboost X The Children’s Collective at the Rita Walter’s Center

Kehinde Wiley Self Portrait project

This was the first assignment the students were given. The African American artist Kehinde Wiley creates portraits of mainly black, Latino and Asian people he meets on the street all over the world (United States, Israel, Brazil, Sri Lanka) and paints them like old Renaissance paintings of European royalty. The students were asked to make their own self portraits based off of his work. The focus for the project was for the students to use their own interpretation of Wiley's work and draw themselves as kings and queens. The picture above is a side by side comparison of  Wiley's 2005 painting, " Napoleon Leading the Army Over the Alps" and Jacque Louis David's 1801 painting, "Napoleon Crossing the Alps. This was one of the photo comparisons used to help the students execute their projects.

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