Edboost X The Children’s Collective at the Rita Walter’s Center

Community Contribution

Community was the central theme of this social justice section of our camp. The last week the students were asked to come up with one thing they love about their community, one thing they would change about their community, and what they want to do to contribute to their community. We spoke a lot about different types of communities and the students examples included their: family, sports teams they play on, their friends, neighbors, the park, and for some students they mentioned their home countries as being one of their communities. Below on a separate page are the video logs of the students' responses to what they love or would change about their community. Students also drew ways they would contribute to their community.

Student Grade 4
One thing I like about my neighborhood is that the people are friendly, nice and caring. Like there were raccoons and everyone chipped into get rid of them.

Student Grade 7 One thing I like about my community is all the good food

What I don’t like is that non-residents come on our block

Student Grade 4

One thing I’d like to change in my community is a neighbor of mine. I’d like to change because he is 

How they would help their community, a visual representation:

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