Edboost X The Children’s Collective at the Rita Walter’s Center

Students Answers

These were some students' responses to the question:
If you ever wanted to add anything new to your neighborhood what would it be?

Student Grade 4

If you wanted to add anything new to your neighborhood what would it be? 

I would add Toys r’ us and a new store that sold toys, Kindles and pools


Student Grade 2

If you wanted to add anything new to your neighborhood what would it be?


A pool because I can swim


Student Grade 4 

If you wanted to add anything new to your neighborhood what would it be?


I would put a public pool


Student Grade 2

If you wanted to add anything new to your neighborhood what would it be?


 I want a pool and a school or a rose park and no smoking. Why?because it will be fun.


Student Grade 3

If you wanted to add anything new to your neighborhood what would it be?


I would add a garden, new trees, playground because people cut down my trees and people buy junk food.


Student Grade 3 

If you wanted to add anything new to your neighborhood what would it be?

A pool which is so cold, with a diving board


Student Grade 4


I will add a museum of dinosaurs 


Student Grade 7


A library


Student Grade 3 


I would like to put a park


Student Grade 4 


I would add a ice cream store named Creamy Cold Ice cream. I would add a ice cream store because when it is hot they can walk and get ice cream


Student Grade 3 


I would add a mall


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