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Digital Storytellers, Ultra Red and the pedagogy of Paulo Freire

Patrick Ohslund, Author

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Spoken word focused on the generative theme of systematic oppression

The following piece does include a situation where the poet is conducting inquiry on a generative theme that points to many aspects of systematic oppression. Though the poem has a diverse focus on various aspects of systematic oppression, it none-the-less indicates a revolutionary leader who is calling for the organization of the people for the purpose of a collective transformation. Freire's thoughts on organizing the world are present in the following statement, "Organizing the people is the process in which the revolutionary leaders, who are also prevented from saying their own word, initiate the experience of learning how to name the world" (Freire 1970, p. 178).   

This piece illustrates the thorough adherence to dialog that Freire calls for, where the poet exists both as revolutionary leader calling the people to organize for the purpose of mutual liberation and as an individual who has claimed her subjectivity through her naming of the world.    

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