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Digital Storytellers, Ultra Red and the pedagogy of Paulo Freire

Patrick Ohslund, Author

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Example of the word as action and reflection

The following poem depicts the poet defining his world through speaking his word, which is an example of action and reflection. Though his inquiry is not focused on a generative theme regarding systematic oppression it does depict his engagement in dialog with the situation at hand. This piece contains example of the poet claiming his active role as a subject in response to a situation where he felt mistreated and taken for granted. The subsequent response of the audience provides example of dialog between the revolutionary leader and the people.

The poet's reflection on the situation and action taken through performance provides example of his self guided educational process which culminates in his liberation from the situation; the response from the audience depicts the reciprocation and continuance of this dialog, which is in line with Freire's thinking in the following, "The educational, dialogical quality of revolution, which makes it a "cultural revolution" as well, must be present in all its stages" (Freire 1970, p. 137).The multiple stages of dialog in this piece include the poets response to the situation and the audiences response to the poet.

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