Analysis of Digital Storyteller poems in regards to Ultra Red's unsatisfactory fulfillment for Freire's pedagogy
It is clear that Freire mandates that there is to be no physical separation between the leaders and the people as is evident in the following, "Revolutionary leaders must avoid organizing themselves apart from the people... not augmented by the cultural invasion of a proposed relationship" (Freire 1970, 182). The dialog and fusion between revolutionary leaders and the people is a central tenant in Freire's pedagogy and it is left out all together in the process of Ultra Red. The inclusion of dialog between revolutionary leader and the people is made in the poem on page 2 of the Digital Storytellers path where a clear distinction between these two groups is made, along with a resounding call for mutual and collective liberation. Ultra Red does include interaction with the people in regards to interview and sound recording, though this interaction does not indicate the type of cultural fusion found in the poem on the 3rd page of Digital Storytellers path. Finally, Ultra Red does focus its inquiry on the generative themes of its participants, but it does not share these themes with the people in a manner that stimulates awareness of them as is evident in the poems on opening page and page 1 of the Digital Storytellers path.
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