The WDR (Wedge Driving Rumoring) network, not surprisingly, reflected derogatory themes. They were ranged from defaming certain individuals such as historic or current politicians (C1) or even a public figure in a non-political sector (C2), to distorting a historical political event that is not directly related with the current threat, and to evoke Cold War rhetoric to attack opposite political ideology (C4 and C5) (p.215)
Note: "C" means thematic clusters. Each cluster includes keywords that characterize the content of tweets. See the figure below.
Reference: Kwon, K. H., Bang, C. C., Egnoto, M., & Raghav Rao, H. (2016). Social Media Rumors as Improvised Public Opinion: Semantic Network Analyses of Twitter Discourses during Korean Saber Rattling 2013. Asian Journal of Communication, 26(3), 201-222.