Cyber Troops in Networked Korea

Course Description

Keywords: South Korea, Media manipulation, Social media, Comment troops, Online discussion, Propaganda

This module aims to discuss the status of digital media manipulation in contemporary networked Korea.

The issue of digital media manipulation has recently surfaced in Western societies, along with major events such as the US presidential election, Brexit, and even more recently, Cambridge Analytica.

Concerns about manipulative activities on the Net are not idiosyncratic to the West. Digital media manipulation has grown as a serious social malaise in other parts of the world, including South Korea as well. Government-led digital manipulation especially poses a serious danger to democracy.

Bradshaw and Howard (2017) define "government, military or political party teams committed to manipulating public opinion over social media" as "cyber troops." In South Korea, cyber troops are referred to as "comment troops." 

This module traces a genealogy of comment troops in South Korea. Comment troops are one of the most obvious examples of online manipulations, with serious social and cultural ramifications for South Korea's contemporary digital culture.

The learning objectives of this module are:

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