Tule Lake Segregation Center receives about 12,000 "disloyals"
1media/LT_ats_02_085_19430210.jpg2021-01-31T13:03:17-08:00Steve Kutay2a3698b64111c4575df6dabf06e183b410497fa3385027Loyalty questionnaires leads to about 12,000 “disloyals” being transferred to the newly transformed Tule Lake Segregation Center. About 6,500 people in the Tule Lake Camp were to sent to other WRA camps to make room and about 6,000 pre-segregation people decided to stay in Tule Lake. This letter from April 20, 1944 notified Atsushi Ishida of his transfer to Tule Lake.plain2021-02-01T13:15:44-08:002/10/1943Letter from E. B. Whitaker, Project Director, Jerome Relocation Center, to Atsushi Art Ishida, April 20, 1944Steve Kutay2a3698b64111c4575df6dabf06e183b410497fa3
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1media/loy_des_sjs_fla_0376.jpg2021-01-03T21:42:38-08:00Steve Kutay2a3698b64111c4575df6dabf06e183b410497fa3Timeline: LoyaltySteve Kutay32A timeline of events associated with testing Japanese American loyaltiestimeline2021-03-29T22:52:22-07:00Steve Kutay2a3698b64111c4575df6dabf06e183b410497fa3