Martial Law declared at Tule Lake Segregation Center
12021-01-31T13:18:44-08:00Steve Kutay2a3698b64111c4575df6dabf06e183b410497fa3385022Martial Law declared at Tule Lake Segregation Center due to camp disturbances leading to months of repression and hardship. This letter from February 23, 1944 describes the imprisonment of William Fujimoto for 34 days. Fujimoto states that the cause for his arrest has never been made clear, especially given that he has "never entertained radical ideas" and has been cooperative with authorities, and requests a meeting with Best to review his case.plain2021-02-01T16:19:51-08:0011/14/1943Letter from [William] J. Fujimoto, from the stockade, to Mr. [Raymond R.] Best, Project Director, February 23, 1944Steve Kutay2a3698b64111c4575df6dabf06e183b410497fa3
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