Counter-Cola: A Multinational History of the Global CorporationMain MenuAn Introduction to the Digital BookCounter-Cola: IntroductionThe Coca-Cola Bottling System and the Logics of the FranchiseMediating Coca-Colonization: Negotiating National Development and Difference in Coca-Cola’s Postwar Internationalization“I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke”: The “Real Thing” and the Revolutions of the 1960s"Indianize" or "Quit India": Nationalist Challenges in Post-Colonial IndiaA Man in Every Bottle: Labor and Neoliberal Violence in Colombian BottlingWater for Life, Not for Coca-Cola: Commodification, Consumption, and Environmental ChallengesCSR: Corporate Social Responsibility and Continued Social ResistanceA NonconclusionAmanda Ciafone0aef7449200e57e794d451fa2ca99b0795928eaf