Tweet Analyzer "Machine"
The Tweet Analyzer (actually Analyser, in the British spelling) enables a dynamic near-real-time capture of Tweets (based on a "seeding" #hashtag or keyword or phrase) and applies the Alchemy API sentiment analysis tool to the Tweet results. The Alchemy API tool labels Tweets as positive, negative, and neutral. (Alchemy API is now part of IBM Watson.)
Generally, this allows a user to acquire a sense of a trending issue (or at least one with some recent mentions). By zooming in and out of the resulting graph, a user can identify clusters of microblogged conversations on Twitter that are trending "positive," "negative," and "neutral." A user may also identify active communicators around particular conversation clusters. He or she may also acquire the tweeted and retweeted messages. The information is available in an entity list, too, which may be partially downloaded and analyzed in other tools.
The following slideshow provides a more in-depth overview of this Tweet Analyzer "machine," which is one of the many capabilities of Maltego Carbon.
For an overview of this tool, please download the "Real-time Tweet Analysis w/ Maltego Carbon 3.5.3" slideshow here. This is an updated version of a slideshow created for a F2F presentation in late January 2015.
Credentials Required to Authenticate via Twitter
It may be helpful to note that those using this tool have to authenticate in via Twitter in order to access the Twitter application programming interface (API) through Maltego Carbon's Tweet Analyzer. This enables Twitter to rate-limit access to their data by user to limit abuse of their public access. (For the Service Manager to work, at least Java 7 has to be installed.)
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