Climate Change

"The Day After Tomorrow" - Summary

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The Day After Tomorrow, it is evident how global warming and blatant environmental disrespect have caused catastrophic natural disasters to sweep the Earth. In the beginning, Jack Hall, a NOAA climatologist, is speaking to a group of prominent political members about the dangers of global warming and the melting of the polar ice caps. All but one person chooses to ignore his warnings as they believe global warming is not a current issue. Soon after Tokyo is struck by giant hail, and dozens of tornadoes ransack downtown Los Angeles, as the Earth’s fragile climate abruptly collapses. Hall believes this is due to the melting of the ice caps which is causing an imbalance in the levels of salt and freshwater, this in turn affects the ocean currents thus causing catastrophic natural disasters. This film primarily focuses on the events taking place in New York, as Jack Hall’s son, Sam, and a few of his friends become trapped in New York as chaos strikes. After extreme flooding followed by an excruciating cold, Jack instructs his son to stay put for his safety. Jack then vows that he will come find his son, no matter what conditions he has to go through.

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