Cleveland's Nonprofit All-Stars

Chapter 5.1-Free Medical Clinic of Greater Cleveland Evaluation

       When put to the test, The Free Medical Clinic of Greater Cleveland met and exceeded our criteria for an All-Star Nonprofit.

        First, donating is accessible to many, as The Free Clinic accepts one-time mail, online, tribute donations, and gifts-in-kind such as stocks and bonds. In addition, the clinic draws nearly 100 corporate donors and people give stocks and bonds. Notably, the clinic does NOT solicit, which is important because the clinic is able to account for all dollars raised and how they're used without having to worry about paying solicitors. Donations are vital to keep the clinic functioning; though the government awards over $1 million to the clinic, the clinic needs to raise an additional $4 million to cover the clinic's expenses.
        Because the clinic offers a multitude of services, they are able to attract many patients who need care but are not able to afford it at a major hospital. The process to become a patient is simple, and this is important because this eliminates a potential drawback of having to wait for care or having to schedule an appointment for weeks, even months, in the future. 

        The clinic has a unique concept of hosting "Done-in-a-Day" volunteer events where a group of individuals spend a day aiding the clinic in small things that make a big difference. Because ALL money goes towards clinic operations, volunteers are essential to the clinic thriving. As shown above, Case students may spend a few free hours of their time to help out people in need.
The clinic goes the extra mile by hosting community outreach programs to build awareness. One can truly tell how driven and good-hearted the people at the clinic are because A. They work so hard to attract volunteers, and B. The volunteers are loyal and generous with their time to help the clinic.
       As noted, the clinic is located in University Circle, which is accessible to most, whether it be by car or RTA. In summary, financial accountability and transparency are vital to a charity being effective and fulfilling its purpose, and the Free Clinic does a stellar job in using funds for its goal. All money goes towards the functioning of the clinic. No soliciting. No profits. No high salaries for executives. True, noble work done by people who care about doing good more than making money.

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