Caitlin's Praxis JournalMain MenuEthnic Studies 250B Praxis JournalPraxis Journal for Ethnic Studies 250B, American Slave NarrativesPraxis Journal Entry 1 -- 8/29/16Analyzing two passages from the NarrativePraxis Journal Entry 2 -- 9/5/16Frederick Douglass -- Literacy as RebellionPraxis Journal Entry 3 -- 9/11/16Praxis Journal Entry 4 -- 9/20/16Praxis Journal Entry 5 -- 9/25/16Analyzing a passage from the reader and the filmPraxis Journal Entry 6 -- 10/9/16Praxis Journal Entry 7 -- 10/17/16Praxis Journal Entry 8 -- 10/24/16Praxis Journal Entry 9 -- 10/31/16Praxis Journal Entry 11 -- 11/20/16Caitlin Downey521f243cb92cfaab1942063a8e5df11231bf5acc
Fashionable Finery
12016-10-30T14:42:13-07:00Caitlin Downey521f243cb92cfaab1942063a8e5df11231bf5acc107153plain2016-10-30T14:46:33-07:00Caitlin Downey521f243cb92cfaab1942063a8e5df11231bf5accDr. Flint (James Norcom) almost seems to mock Jacobs, even in an advertisement promising a reward for her capture. Flint almost seems to say here that a black person--especially a slave--who dresses well and grooms themselves is acting "above their station" or vain for trying to improve their appearance.
Contents of this annotation:
12016-10-30T14:35:38-07:00Caitlin Downey521f243cb92cfaab1942063a8e5df11231bf5accHarriet Jacobs Reward2Advertisement by James Norcom for the return of his escaped slave Harriet Jacobsplain2016-10-30T14:50:54-07:00Caitlin Downey521f243cb92cfaab1942063a8e5df11231bf5acc
12016-10-30T14:31:50-07:00Caitlin Downey521f243cb92cfaab1942063a8e5df11231bf5accIncidents in the Life of a Slave GirlCaitlin Downey1plain2016-10-30T14:31:50-07:00Caitlin Downey521f243cb92cfaab1942063a8e5df11231bf5acc