C2C Digital Magazine (Fall 2023 / Winter 2024)

An Innovative and Resilient Community

By Robert Bruce Scott


Denver Jewish Day School comprises two buildings -- the elementary school, called the Lower Division, and the secondary school, called the Upper Division -- with a large grassy commons area between the two and, behind the Upper Division, a playground, a field for soccer and other sporting events and, at the far end of the school grounds, a simple baseball field, some prairie grass, and a path down to a small creek. Next to the Upper Division building is the "Farmette," with chickens, several goats (including very popular baby goats), flower beds, vegetable gardens, picnic tables, a gazebo, and a small greenhouse recently built by students of all ages whose teachers often incorporate nature -- whether the Farmette or the creek -- into their lessons. 


Denver Jewish Day School comprises two buildings -- the elementary school, called the Lower Division, and the secondary school, called the Upper Division

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