Kansas City Barbecue

What is Barbecue today?

When looked up in the dictionary, the word barbecue means a various of different definitions. However, this project is not about what the definition of barbecue. Barbecue has transitioned in the last century. At first, barbecuing was only sold at a restaurant in Kansas City by Henry Perry. By attending Perry's restaurant, this encourages families to attending a lunch or dining setting outside of their home. This setting slowly transitioned into families sitting down as a family and created a family unity. Once families sat down and enjoyed their meals, stories about each others day was shared about the events that took place, or current events. Having a family sit down, enjoying a family meal together, whether it's lunch or dinner, the quality of joining together as one family, eating a good cooked meal helped families share unity. 

However, the change of going out for lunch and dinner has transitioned into families beginning to have home barbecues. Families begin purchasing their own style of meat and purchasing a grill from a local home improvement store. The tradition of families going out for local barbecue restaurants has moved to families inviting friends and families over for a home cooked meal. The peak season for families for grilling barbecue at home is during the summer time. One of the most popular holidays for families to barbecue is 4th of July, end of summer parties, and Labor Day weekend. 

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