Kansas City Barbecue

Family Unity

Spending quality family time goes unnoticed in the twenty-first century because of the distractions with technology and other dining options. But Henry Perry's goal was to attract families to eat as one family when he first opened his first business. Mr. Perry encouraged his guests to sit down and eat a good cooked meal, share quality family time together, established that unity for family. Family unity at dinner time began to disappear in the early twentieth century because both parents were working on and off and trying to provide for their family, and quick fast food options were forming.But the idea of having a barbecue lunch or a dinner was to get a family to sit down together.

Having a sit down meal becomes more important in the barbecue atmosphere, whether it's during lunch or dinner because the goal was to have the family to spend quality time together. Looking at barbecue restaurant atmosphere, the goal is to have the family decide on the type of meat to be ordered, side dishes, and desert afterwards. By sitting down as a family and enjoying a meal, quality time among each other is shared. Stories about each others day, current events around the world, and family discussions. 

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