Kansas City Barbecue

Why Barbecue?

The day is fourth of July and families are gathering in the front yard and watching their children as they celebrate this holiday. Now it’s lunch time and the man of the house turns on his grill for his friends and family. He begins to place a stack of ribs on the grill and adds a nice ten pound brisket to the grill. Now the waiting process for this delicious barbecue to be cooked while families are continuing their activities on this holiday. How did barbecuing first begin? Who thought about grilling ribs or a brisket on a grill? Was this just a tradition that American’s created to celebrate around the holidays? T This tradition of families throwing meat in the grill and eating barbecue began in 1907 by an African American, Henry Perry in Kansas City Missouri. The father of barbecue began his journey with a smoker and meat at the market. It later transitioned into a barbecue restaurant in Kansas City that change the food industry, changed lives for African Americans because of the job opportunities it brought,  and the father of barbecue left his thumb print in one of the best food inventions in the 21st century.

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