Project Proposals
Project Proposal
Your project proposal is the first step toward your final project. You can think of it as the introduction to the path you will ultimately create to present your work on Scalar. Of course, right now, it’s fine for that introduction to be exploratory; you’ll revise as you go along!
For the purposes of this proposal, you need to identify two things: one, the basic outline of the map you will research and design for your final project, and, two, the significance of that map to our class. Your map could take on a number of different forms. You could choose to plot the movement of a particular text (one we’ve talked about in class or one of your own selection). You could research and plot the movement of a particular person or group of people. Your map could have literary, cultural, social, and/or political components and can (and should!) reflect your own unique interests.
In the proposal, address the following questions:
- What movement will you research and trace in your map? What plot points do you envision being important? This step does not yet require research, but you may do some preliminary exploring to gather information. If you do cite outside sources, make sure to include a works cited at the bottom of your page.
- How will your map intersect with the content and goals of our class?
- What do you hope to teach your classmates and me by sharing this map with us?
The proposal should be about 250 words; please do not exceed 500 words. Your proposal is due by the start of class on Tuesday, March 8th; by that time, your proposal will need to be uploaded to our Scalar book. Make sure that you have tagged your proposal with your name and the new tag, “project proposals.” To help troubleshoot, my office hours on the 8th will be from 9:00-10:30 a.m. in Cafe Medici (as opposed to 1:00-2:30 p.m.).
This assignment is worth 10% of your grade. I will grade on a ten-point scale, assigning 8 points for the quality of your content and 2 points for appropriate MLA formatting and Scalar tagging. Be advised that I will deduct one point for every day of tardy submission, beginning at 11 a.m. on the 8th (so a 10-point proposal would become worth 9 points at 11:01 a.m. on March 8th, and worth 8 points at 11:01 a.m. on March 9th).
Good luck!