Alli's Project Proposal
Although Palestinian refugees may be the most well known group to have settled in Jordan’s borders, other groups have also flocked to Jordan during wartime because of its location and relatively open borders. Iraqi refugees have come to the country both in the seventies after the Gulf War and in the mid-2000’s because of the war on Iraq. After Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait in 1990, many Kuwaitis fled the country and sought refuge in Jordan. Most recently, Syrian refugees have begun to flood into the country because of the war the ISIS is waging.
Masses of people from very different nations like Kuwait, Palestine, Syria, and Iraq have all sought refuge within Jordan’s borders, making this nation a uniquely diverse place. While not a traditional type of path, all of these different identities help to contribute to Said's idea of a collage that makes up the people and country of Jordan. Focusing on where each of these people groups came from, when, and for what purpose adds to the understanding of the country of Jordan. Instead of a path spanning over multiple countries and even continents, I imagined this path happening as a traveler walks down a single road in the heart of Amman, experiencing the different cultures and nations that constructs the identity of Jordan.
Works Cited
"Jordan | UNRWA." UNRWA. 1 July 2014. Web. 05 Mar. 2016.