AAEEBL Digital Ethics Principles: version 3

Strategies for Applying the Evaluating ePortfolios Principle


  • Evaluating ePortfolios through fair, transparent, and inclusive strategies with evaluation measures and procedures that are explicitly communicated to students prior to the assignment. [DEIBD]
  • Developing evaluation mechanisms that are informed by research, aligned to learning outcomes, and include input from multiple and diverse stakeholders, including administrators, faculty, and students. 
  • Creating evaluation criteria that align with disciplinary or professional standards and are meaningful to students beyond the context of a single course.
  • Evaluating ePortfolios through summative approaches to evaluation beyond traditional rubrics/grades, such as labor-based criteria and process documents, to offer more equitable approaches to feedback and grading.
  • Integrating formative reflection strategies throughout to provide opportunities for students to self-assess and receive on-going feedback.
  • Providing educators with access to resources and models that support the design of effective ePortfolio evaluation methods.
  • Offering faculty adequate training to apply evaluation materials to ePortfolios with a knowledge of how bias operates in the rating/evaluation/feedback processes. [Support][DEIBD]
  • Compensating and recognizing individuals who continually ensure ePortfolio evaluation is performed ethically, including but not limited to training and professional development, norming sessions, feedback and listening sessions, etc. [Visibility of Labor]


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