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Alexei Taylor, Author

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The Dress

The dress I spotted is part of the Fall/Winter 2012 collection, entitled  “Inspired by Cirque du Soleil.” This is a clever marketing technique on the part of the designers, who are using the Cirque’s  brand name. They’re selling the concept of the Cirque with each piece of merchandize: the idea of being cultured and associated with a whimsically high-end circus.

The designers of this collection were faced with the challenging task of transforming movement – the dance and acrobatics for which the Cirque is famous for – into a clothing pattern. According to Nínive Rodriguez, the senior designer, they wanted to “create something magical, different, yet 100% recognizable.” To do so, as stated on Desigual’s blog, the designers worked in close collaboration” with the Cirque du Soleil and spend several months flying back and forth between Montreal and Barcelona for meetings. Their goal: to “capture the essence of Cirque du Soleil and merge it with Desigual.” 

Looking at the dress, it is clear how this juxtaposition has come together. The metaphorical performance is created with the black and white stripes, mimicking the acrobats’ costumes, and with the two faces painted in the typical dramatic make-up of the clowns. This is merged with the characteristic flowers and colorful motifs of Desigual.

The combination of colors and masks give it an artsy, dramatic look that is visually appealing and creates a casual look that reflects both a sense of style and culture. This combination, I think, appeals to the sort of customers who would shop as a store like Desigual. Also, the range of clothing is available on the Cirque’s website and their gift stores after a performance. This opens the market to customers who wish to buy the dress as a memento of their experience or who simply wish to reflect their association with the Cirque. 

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