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Alexei Taylor, Author
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Think of an apple. Are you observing it or are you imagining it? When an object is tangible, when it is in front of us, we observe it and thus we make it real. To observe is to perceive; to use our senses to distinguish and interpret our environment.  

When we recall an object, the mimesis of that image remains imprinted in our memories. Does this mean we are still observing it? Or are we imagining it?

The act of observing is the act of making things real.  The idea that there is alterity between observer and reality is contradicted by the idea of “if a tree falls in the forest and there is no one to hear it, does it still make noise?”. All semantics aside, it matters little whether noise is produced if there is no one to observe it, that noise is not part of our collective reality.

Think of the apple again… is it 
the same image of an apple
everyone else has in their mind?

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