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Alexei Taylor, Author

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How do we know what we know? Epistemology is the study of knowledge itself, not ‘what’ we know but with ‘how’ we know. It is not as much concerned with content as it is with the way in which we attain it.

Throughout history, humans have approached the topic of knowledge from various angles. From Ancient philosophers who put emphasis on a supreme truth, derived through observation and rationalism, to a post-modernistic ways of thinking which assert there is no one absolute truth but rather individual realities which create subjective truths.

The field of epistemology raises a lot of questions; is knowledge subjective or are some truths universal? Is the sky blue because it is or because I perceive it to be so? Is there one reality in which we live in, where we can discover knowledge, or do we create knowledge through our perceptions?

In the image below, are the two squares the same color because they are or are they different tones because I perceive it so?

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