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Alexei Taylor, Author

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Key Word: Absence

You write a note excusing your ‘absence’ when you aren’t physically present in class and you can be described as ‘absent-minded’ on those days where you just can’t seem to concentrate and your mind is lost to the land of daydreams.

Absence is the lack of something.

Darkness is the absence of light. Coldness is the absence of heat. Despair is an absence of hope. In each of these examples, the element that is missing is what ends up defining the whole.  In the case of the virtual images of dancing bodies, such as Ghost catching the lack of sweat and signs of physical exertion are unnerving and differentiate the automaton from the human. If the dancers do not get fatigued, couldn’t they
go on forever? What else can they do that we, plagued by the corporal restraints of humanity, cannot? 

In the picture below, clearly a hard physical effort is being made – every sign from the drops of sweat raining down from the face expression point to the exertion Marianne Vos has just gone through, cycling her way to gold at the 2012 Olympics. Compare it to the picture of the featureless cartoon character effortlessly lifting the weights.

If an action doesn’t require exertion, is it still labor?

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