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Clare - Critical Essay Proposal


In many societies, women have either been objectified in the media or else
hidden away from sight. With the feminist movement came the empowering of women and
the search for a separation from men and their desires.

Nadia Benchallal, a French-algerian photojournalist, focuses on the empowerment women in her collection “Sisters”. She said that she wants to “Explores how the women are becoming emancipated and modernized while keeping their culture and traditions in conservative societies”

How does Benchallal use her camera as a tool to give women agency and to portray them in a different light?

1. History of feminism and feminism photography and the camera as a tool that allowed this to happen (technology)  

Emphasis made on the “pleasure of seeing” from the male perspective (Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. The “Eternal Return”: SelfPortrait Photography as a Technology of Embodiment )

Question of gender. General repression of woman through history and how they are taking control – photographs of woman, taken by an educated, modern woman who can travel and work without a man. (Global Feminism) Also, woman in the Muslim world – how are they viewed (both in their culture and in the world at large)? How much freedom/agency do they have? (Islamic Masculinities. Woman and Gender in Islam) 

Photography and mass media reproduction empowers women, creates the “New Woman” (The New Woman International)

Woman as photographers and the difference this makes in photography (Face to Face)

2. How much control does a photographer have over her photos? 

The camera as an automatic apparatus (Into the Universe of Technical Images –
Chapter ‘
To Create’).

Nadia is an observer behind her camera. (…The women with veils observe their world. We observe the photographs…) The photograph as a screen/mask (The “Eternal Return”: SelfPortrait Photography as a Technology of Embodiment)

Authorship, very deliberate photographs, like a writer (“Authoring the Image” – In Our Own Image). Different decisions taken by the photographer (aperture, focal point, ect) that make it a deliberate action rather than an automated one – briefly mention automatic cameras (Three Kinds of Realism About Photographs).

3. What does
 Benchallal actually do? (techniques, examination of her photographs)

She shows women in their everyday life. Candid shots, the women are not posing but instead going on with their daily lives – working, laughing, walking. Portrayed as subjects rather than objects.

The idea of temporality – black and white photographs, digital vs print (Into the universe of technical images)

Focal point, aperture, shutter speed (blurriness, for example) (Three Kinds of Realism About Photographs)

The authenticity of her photographs – do not look posed, trust in printed images f (Photographs and Memories)

From a cultural point – she befriends some of the woman, gets the ‘story behind the story’ and tries to transmit this. She goes into their houses. Difficulty in photographing Muslim woman (asking permission)

Mention the text that accompanies the photographs


How effective is this? 
Personal response to the photographs
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