In Search of Fairfax

Map: Preferred Moving Destination Among Jewish Angelenos, 1968

According to a 1968 Jewish community survey, by the late 1960s Beverly-Fairfax had lost much of its appeal as a potential residential destination for Jewish Angelenos, especially in comparison to more affluent neighborhoods on the Westside and in the San Fernando Valley. Much of this had to do with the fact that black migration into residential pockets throughout the Fairfax area and the school district’s preliminary and small-scale efforts to integrate the overwhelmingly Jewish Fairfax High School in 1968, coupled with the growing presence of hippies and counterculture institutions along Fairfax Avenue, provoked longstanding fears about declining property values, outsider intrusion, and black anti-Semitism and rendered the neighborhood all-the-less attractive.

Source: Fred Massarik, “A Report on the Jewish Population of Los Angeles, 1968. 

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